52词语>英语词典>natural endowment翻译和用法

natural endowment

英 [ˈnætʃrəl ɪnˈdaʊmənt]

美 [ˈnætʃrəl ɪnˈdaʊmənt]

网络  天赋; 自然禀赋; 禀赋; 自然秉赋




  • The industrialization is often guided by a certain development pattern, the various countries adopt distinct industrialization path because of different background, natural endowment and other conditions.
  • Nowadays, their governments have built up perfect policy system to protect their agricultural product trade, which are based on the advantages of their natural endowment, economy and technology.
  • Because of insufficient natural endowment caused by various reasons of parents, life is shorter;
  • Under the background of opening economics, by the natural endowment advantage of labor cost and market volume, China experienced a sustaining expansion on the international trade, which significantly stimulated the economic growth.
  • Results: Etiopathogenisis and pathogenesis are natural endowment weakness, being invaded by exogenous pathogen, blocking meridian, Qi and blood to be on bad terms;
  • Intellectual property right is not the natural endowment of a country, but being created by human being.
  • The World's Healthiest Foods are also whole foods complete with all their rich natural endowment of nutrients.
  • According to the principles of the theory and comparative advantage of "resource natural endowment", Green food is fit for the advantages of environment and resources in forestry zone.
  • He infers that the wills memory is not part of our innate natural endowment but constitutes a capacity that has to be bred into us.
  • Both of the results of principle component analysis and reducing rate calculation displays that the most important influence factors are economy and population scale, following is the water resource natural endowment.